Maria Menconi and Barbara Hines, VP for the Oracle School Foundation, accepted their award at the July 2018 Awards Breakfast

One of the recipients of a Saddle Notes Award this year is the Oracle School Foundation.

The Oracle School District operates a Pre-School Program for 3- and 4-year-olds as preparation for their excellent Kindergarten-8thgrade academic program. Research clearly demonstrates that Pre-School Education plays an essential role in early childhood development. It prepares children socially, emotionally and academically for Kindergarten. Attending Pre-School has long-term benefits in preparing children for classroom environments.

The Pre-School Program in the Oracle School District is a half-day program, offered 4 days a week, with both morning and afternoon sessions available. Because the State of Arizona does not fund Pre-School Programs, it is run on a tuition basis with a number of children requiring financial assistance to attend. The tuition is about $2,000 per year and students must attend a minimum of 3 days a week. Since many families living in this school district cannot afford this tuition, the Oracle School Foundation has committed significant funding to make Pre-School available at no cost to parents.

The support provided by the Saddle Notes, Inc. Award will help additional eligible children participate in this important program.

Thanks to the articles written by residents for the Saddlebag Notes and the more than 100 volunteers who deliver the paper each month, Saddle Notes Inc. is able to provide grants each year to organizations that strive to improve the lives of residents in communities neighboring SaddleBrooke. The Arizona Daily Star provides Saddle Notes Inc. a donation in recognition of the residents efforts to create and deliver the paper from Saddlebag Notes’ advertising revenue. Our advertisers, some of whom have advertised for many years, recognize the value of the Saddlebag Notes and its contributions to the community.

You can help Saddle Notes continue to make grants to these worthy organizations by becoming a delivery volunteer. Contact David Taylor at 520-818-3344 or

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