Clare and Frank Grochocki, Exec. Dir., accepting their award for the Family First Pregnancy Care Center and Family Diaper Bank

One of the recipients of a Saddle Notes Award this year is the Family First Pregnancy Care Center and Family Diaper Bank, Inc. The Family Diaper Bank is a service that provides diapers, wipes, bed linens, and miscellaneous incontinence supplies for mothers with babies, disabled adults and children and the elderly. The Family Diaper bank is a collection organization providing these supplies to be distributed by local service agencies: Triad, Oracle Community Center, DES, Mountain Health and Wellness Center, Pina/Gila council for Senior Citizens, Family First, Accent Care and distributing in Pinal County.

The Family Diaper Bank is under the umbrella of Family First, a non-profit organization helping to provide diapers, a basic need, to those who cannot help themselves: babies, disabled children and adults and the elderly. The importance of these items in improving the quality of life for many of the most vulnerable in our society cannot be overstated. Diapers alone can cost as much as $160per month and most programs do not cover diapers: not food stamps, not WIC, not Medicaid except for hospice. Childcare centers require parents to leave disposable diapers with their child and don’t provide them for the child.

As a result of the articles written by residents for the Saddlebag Notes and the more than 100 volunteers who deliver the paper each month, Saddle Notes Inc. is able to provide grants each year to organizations that strive to improve the lives of residents in communities neighboring SaddleBrooke. The Arizona Daily Star provides Saddle Notes Inc. a donation in recognition of the residents efforts to create and deliver the paper from Saddlebag Notes’ advertising revenue. Our advertisers, some of whom have advertised for many years, recognize the value of the Saddlebag Notes and its contributions to the community.

You can help Saddle Notes continue to make grants to these worthy organizations by becoming a delivery volunteer. Contact David Taylor at 520-818-3344 or

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