Border Patrol agents carry a wounded Honduran to a waiting helicopter near the border on Tuesday. The man told agents he had been shot in Mexico and dragged himself across border.

Border Patrol agents Tuesday found a Honduran man suffering gunshot wounds lying along a border road southwest of Sells, officials said.

Customs and Border Protection said an agent on patrol along the border found the man next to the border road. The man said he was shot three days earlier while in Mexico.

The 24-year-old man applied two tourniquets to himself while stranded in the desert and at some point managed to drag himself under the border fence into Arizona.

The agents called in a Border Patrol Search, Trauma and Rescue team that arrived in an Air and Marine Operations helicopter. The medically trained agents treated the man in the field and had him taken by helicopter to a hospital in Tucson. His condition was not known.

The Tohono O'odham Police Department is investigating the incident.

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