
We are having an extremely hot summer! We need to think of some cooling drinks, especially if we are entertaining—the card group, book book club or unit party. Iced tea and lemonade are always welcome, and here are a couple of other ideas you might consider. Whatever you choose, have fun!

I recall going to the mall and we would have an Orange Julius while shopping. I found a recipe for this delicious and cooling drink.


1/2 Cup Cold Water

1/2 Cup Milk

1/2 Cup Orange Juice

1/8 Cup Sugar

1-1/2 tsp. Vanilla

3 Ice Cubes (I use crushed cubes)

Add scoop Vanilla Ice Cream


Run blender until ice is crushed.

Drink slowly so you don’t get a brain freeze.


1-pint strawberry sorbet, scooped into melon balls and held in the freezer until ready to serve

One package fresh strawberries (about 1 dozen berries)

2 bananas

2 Cups apple juice

1 cup vodka

Hull strawberries and add to a blender. Peel banana, cut in half, and add to blender. Add apple juice and puree until smooth. Stir in vodka.

Place strawberry sorbet balls into four glasses and evenly distribute “juice” into each glass.

A plate of assorted appetizers goes nicely with either of these “cocktails”.

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