State Medallion. FROM LEFT: Ward, Lucci, Tindal and Stead.

Competence is the key word as the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners’ move into 2025. Our Executive Board made a smooth transition and is off to a fun-filled year. We thank the past Board and Committee members who made this happen.

2025 brings many tournaments and play days for us to enjoy. Upcoming events include the Founders’ Cup, the Club Championship and Presidents’ Cup. State Medallion play is slated for Tuesday, February 18, Tuesday, March 4 and Tuesday, April 15.

Let’s not forget about the State Medallion that took place on Friday, January 10! Representing members of our league included Terri Tindal, Lori Ward, Pat Stead and Randi Tonnessen, all did well. Terri and Pat placed first in their flight with Randi and Lori placing fifth in their respective flight. The ladies had a great time and wish to thank the league for the opportunity to represent them. The nine-hole competition took place at the Oakwood Golf Club, Sun Lakes, Arizona.

The Founders’ Cup took place on the SaddleBrooke course on Tuesday, January 14. This is a one-day, low net event. Shirley Morris, our 2025 Founders’ Cup winner, had a stellar round with a net of 34! Congratulations, Shirley.

A little history of this event follows… Originally, the tournament was known as the Liz Carlson Tournament. Liz was one of the founders of our nine-hole league. After Liz passed, her daughter, Marcia Carlson (a Niner) hosted several tournaments in remembrance of her mom. The first tournament took place in 1996. In 2006, the tournament was re-named to what we know today as the Founders’ Cup.

Did you know that our Club was established in the Spring of 1990? There were 39 members and the official name then was the “Niners.” Jim Chestnut was the golf pro at that time and June Hill was the first president with the second president, in 1991, being Liz Carlson.

Back to the present… Our President, LeAnn Ellingson has filled all Committee chair placements for 2025. Those members include Karla Kincaid, Membership; Sue Schliepsiek, Rules; Kathy DeMerritt, Publicity/Historian; Maria Byers, Niners Notes; Char Crossman, Internal Communications; Regina Pang, Website; Theresa Mares, Handbook & Ringer Board; Kathy Coffman and Mary Leversee, Social; Pat Stead, Outside Invitationals & Bulletin Board; Dian Kupper, Sunshine and Charlotte James, Golf Committee. Susan Lucci is chairing the 2026 Invitational. Thank you, ladies. It does take a village!

Welcome new members Deanna McCann, Linda Morago and Linda Schweiter. That makes us 102 strong.

Are you thinking about joining a golf league? If you are interested, email Karla Kincaid, our Membership Chair, at We are a fun and welcoming group of women who enjoy nine holes of golf.

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