Who Needs Russia, China, Iran or North Korea as enemies? We have our own right here in this purportedly greatest country on earth. We have demagogues like Trump, Limbaugh (rip), Alex Jones, Ted Cruz, who proselytize conspiracies to those euphemistically referred to as "low information" individuals; suckers P.T. Barnum said were born every minute.

We've got the Fox News carnival barkers spewing hatred and lies, the NRA and its chief spokesman, Wayne La Pierre, the good guys, bad guys, bigger guns fantasist, and we've got all the enemies needed to destroy us from within.

The NRA, in their paranoid belief that the lamest of gun laws will lead to all guns being confiscated, has resulted in a flood of assault weapons and big magazines and it's too late to do anything about it...no going back. Watch for the next surge in gun sales that follows every mass shooting.

Whoever first said that most failed societies rot from within, along with Barnum and his sucker theory, were indeed prescient.

Williaim Muto


Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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