FROM LEFT: Jim Seppala, Don Smith and Mark Boyce.

Resurrection Lutheran men’s breakfast recently featured local historian, Don Smith, who presented a detailed history of the Berlin Airlift on Saturday, November 2. Don has studied and reported on the strategy and background mechanics of this incredible operation. He has also written and published a book, (“Steinstuecken: A Little Pocket of Freedom”) about a small city that that was also isolated and never forgotten or left behind by the Americans. Men’s Breakfast committee chair, Jim Seppala, opened the breakfast meeting and blessed the meal and recognized veterans in attendance based on branch of service in observance of upcoming Veterans Day, while Mark Boyce led the group of over 40 men in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and introduced Don Smith.

Don Smith provided an excellent description of events leading up to the Soviet Union breaking their agreement with the Allies providing access to the Allies’ administrative sectors of the city of Berlin, located deep inside the Soviet area of German occupation. Many discussions and plans were required to quickly provide support to the British and American occupation zones. The most feasible and successful approach was a massive airlift of food, coal and other necessities to keep these German citizens warm, feed and alive. Many of these stories have become well-known and eventually the Soviets relented on their blockade and allowed the British and Americans to continue to supply and support their respective sectors of Berlin. Eventually, the Soviets built a wall around their sector in Berlin, which took several decades before the wall was torn down and Germany became reunited. Don wrote a book about the community of Steinstuecken, which he made available to attendees for purchase. His book will soon be available at the Pima County library and available for sale on Amazon.

Next month’s speaker will be John Adams, Deputy Director of Biosphere 2 in Oracle. For two decades, John has helped drive the evolution of Biosphere 2 through positions of progressive responsibility and oversight. In 2014, Adams advanced to his current leadership role of Biosphere 2. In part, the promotion marked a return to his roots, engaging as a key member of the team that plans and directs all research and related activities inside Biosphere 2 and the surrounding campus. That breakfast meeting is scheduled on Saturday, December 7.

The Resurrection Lutheran Church Men’s Breakfast takes place on the first Saturday of each month from October through May, each year. Meetings are held in the Outreach Center at the main campus in Oro Valley. Breakfast starts at 7:30 a.m. (church doors open at 7 a.m). Sign up on the RLC website at or call the church at (520) 575-9901. Resurrection Lutheran at SaddleBrooke holds it all denominal Sunday worship service at 9 a.m. in the HOA-2 MountainView Ballroom. All are welcome.

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