“I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, realizing what had occurred. Inside, I felt my heart racing but I kept control to do my best to deal with the situation. I moved and immediately flinched as my body ached with agony. I ignored the stinging pain to help my family. My younger brother was not awake but was still breathing. I didn’t see any major injuries or excessive bleeding. My older brother woke and I noticed his bleeding nose and saw him wincing in pain. I told him to examine my younger brother further and continue to watch over him. My mother was in the worst condition of all of us. The crash impacted her the most, moving her from the driver’s seat to the passenger’s side. She was covered in blood. I began to talk to her, but her only responses were small murmurs. I immediately began to call for help. Thankfully, many others were already taking action to help us…”

“Our car accident occurred over ten years ago. I remember most of it, but I cry every time the memories come to mind. Thankfully, my brothers and I recovered soon afterward. To this day however, my Mom suffers due to that same event from so long ago. It is a miracle she is still alive and in decent health. Much of my family’s recoveries are because of the doctors and medics who helped. People in the medical field impact many lives. Their passion is to help others and this is my passion too.”

The accident Allison Martinez experienced changed her life. The treatment she and her family received created in her a burning desire to become a physician.

Allison graduated from Superior High School with a 4.0 grade point average. Due, in part, to her academic achievements and extensive community service, she was awarded first place at the Arizona State Leadership Conference three years in a row and won a Gold Medal at the National Student Leadership Conference. She became certified in First Aid, CPR and AED and worked part-time as a lifeguard while she was going to school. After attending Central Arizona Community College, Allison enrolled at Grand Canyon University. She writes:

“It’s been an honor to be a recipient of the SBCO Scholarship. This scholarship is worth far more than its monetary value. It has allowed me to be a student in the rigorous, yet highly rewarding pre-medicine program at Grand Canyon University. The scholarship has taken some of the financial burden off my shoulders. I am also extremely grateful for the support provided by the SBCO Scholarship Committee. The committee has encouraged me these past few years and have been a great source of motivation for me to succeed in my classes. They have gone above and beyond to provide support and encouragement for me. I will always be grateful to the committee and the scholarship they have awarded me.”

If you would like to help other students like Allison, please consider making a gift to the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Scholarship Endowment Program. You can include the program as a beneficiary in your trust, you can have a portion of your mandated IRA distribution sent directly to the Scholarship Endowment Program as a tax deductible gift, or you can simply write a check. Always consult with your tax advisor regarding the benefits of charitable gifts.

While SBCO accepts gifts of any amount, there is a minimum of $5000 for gifts to the Scholarship Endowment. Gifts last forever, as only the earnings on contributions are used for scholarships. For this reason, your donation will continue to earn money for student scholarships long after you and I are gone.

For more information about the program, go to our website at community-outreach.org or contact Ron Andrea directly by email at whatsnewron@gmail.com or call (520) 904-4831.

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