Fall has arrived and we hope for cooler weather. August monsoons didn’t stop our duplicate bridge players from showing up at Mountainview’s Catalina Room on Friday afternoons at 1 p.m. If you need a partner or further information, contact JoAnn Aiken via email at jotax124@aol.com or place a call to (520) 256-2702.

Check us our online! Our website is www.bridgewebs.com/mountainview.

Some SaddleBrooke players in August came in first place twice, including Sharon Wyles with Trudie Weber-Penta and Bob Brussel with Peter Godfrey. Frank Murphy with William Keese came in first place, with Ann Kuperberg in second place. Steve Maltzman and his partner made first place, too.

Marty Bergen wrote an article in “Bridge Bulletin”about when to jump in bidding.

He referred to a 2/1 game auction and wrote six principles for jump bids. Here they are:

  1. No jump to game forces partner to pass.
  2. All jumps to 4 of a major show a minimum hand and deny slam.
  3. The very rare jump to 3NT promises extra values.
  4. Opener’s rare immediate jump to 3 of his major promises great suit with 6+ cards & doesn’t promise extra values.
  5. Opener’s jump rebid in a new suit is a splinter raise.
  6. Responder’s rare jump to 3 of opener’s major promises extra values.

The Curmudgeon (Frank Stewart) added suggestions on reaching accurate contracts. He said, “Don’t overbid your high cards” and “make the bid that best describes your hand.”

Stewart ended by saying, “Systems & conventions have their place, but in my opinion, your grasp of basic skills and exercise of good judgment will go far in determining how well you do.”

Keep in mind who your opponents are, too.

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