Julia Boyd, a member of CycleMasters and recently retired, now has the time to organize bike rides for women who want to experience bicycling outside of SaddleBrooke. The idea was sparked from a “Divas” riding group in Indiana where Julia resides in the summer. After finding interest from the women in CycleMasters, Julia started the CycleMaster Divas outside rides in early November. There are currently 50 members who are invited to ride every Wednesday. Typically, 10 to 12 riders show up to ride around 20 miles. E-bikes and road bikes are both welcome.

Julia’s husband, John, is an avid cyclist. He loves to find new places to ride and spends many evenings planning routes. Once he creates the route, he and Julia ride it to ensure the Divas have a safe and scenic route. So far, the routes have been in the Oro Valley Rancho Vistoso area with the destination being Bruegger’s for coffee and bagels! In January, John will be creating some fun routes out to Marana.

In order to become a CycleMaster Diva, you need to be a member of CycleMasters. Yearly dues of $20 and the completion of a membership form is all that is required! To learn more about SaddleBrooke CycleMasters, visit saddlebrookecyclemasters.org.

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