To learn to dance! Gentlemen, we have ladies who would love to dance, but they need a partner. This is not a dating service, we just need more lead dancers, for the purpose of dance only. And dancing is fun!

Western dancing encompasses the two step, the Waltz and partner pattern dancing. We can add Night Club Two and the Swing, but these are just frosting on the cake. We will be glad to teach you. The ladies will be learning too!

The Texas two step is easy, just walk straight ahead. The Western Waltz is just walking straight ahead, then, 1,2,3, and 4, 5, 6. The easiest partner pattern dance is the 10 step—10 steps, you can do that!

Maybe you danced in high school, maybe you were shy? It doesn’t matter, we all have two feet, we just tell them the beat. Even two left feet will work! Now, the ladies have to go backwards… so, a little harder. You can practice your dance steps grocery shopping, walking up to the tee, anywhere.

I always get requests from ladies whose husband won’t dance or can’t dance, or they are single, but I have to turn them away from our Partners Western dance classes. Currently, there are three to five ladies, if I had more leaders, I would have more ladies! Our classes are on Mondays and Thursdays, starting Monday, October 14. Classes start at 6 p.m.

Please answer the call, your Country (dancers) needs you. Yee Haw!

For further info see my article on Partners Western Dance classes, or email me at

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