You are invited to a Burning Bowl Service and Potluck on Saturday, January 8, 2022, at 4 p.m. in the HOA-1 Activity Center.

As we begin our new year, I invite you to join others for a service designed to help us release the past and set intentions for our lives.

Releasing the old and inviting the new is the purpose of our traditional Burning Bowl Service. We have an opportunity to decide what thoughts, ideas, and activities of the old year we would like to let go, and then to release them into the flames. Part of the process is forgiving yourself and others.

We will have the opportunity to set our intention and vision for the coming year by writing a letter, affirming those activities and dreams that lead each of us on our journey toward freedom, joy, and growth. Start your new year with renewed energy.

Potluck will follow…

  • A-G Please bring dessert
  • H-N Please Bring Salad
  • O-Z Please bring entree

Facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Marlatt Stewart, Speaker and Author.

Metaphysical Explorations group also invites you to attend on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at 7 p.m. in the HOA-1 Activity Center to learn more about “What To Expect In 2022: An Astrological Forecast” by Sara Bourland, a practicing astrologer.

Undeniably, we are in a massive transformational shift. The year 2020 to 2021 brought us to our knees due to the COVID-19 pandemic with shut-downs and lockdowns in every corner of the world. While we have unprecedented access to information in our country, we are left asking “where is the truth?” or “whose truth is it?” We may be living in a time that has never been more confusing. We are divided philosophically and politically in this country as well as around the globe. We feel the deep upheaval on a visceral level.

So, the question is, “What the heck is going on?” In this talk, Sara will share the astrological signatures for 2022 and bring an objective “30,000-foot view” of what is happening symbolically.

Astrology is the study of planetary cycles and their correlation between the astronomical positions of the planets and events on earth. Astrologers use the correlations and historical precedents to examine future trends. Astrology is not a belief system nor a religion. It is a tool.

About Sara Bourland

Sara is a practicing astrologer, educator, designer, and artist. Over the last 25-plus-years she has been immersed in the study of Astrology. She is a member of the Tucson Astrologers Guild and The Organization for Professional Astrology.

Please RSVP for these events on our website. Visit

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