Cripes! Time is running out to grab your tickets for the Wisconsin Party, which will be held on Tuesday, February 18 at HOA-1 with doors opening at 5 p.m. Tickets will be sold until Tuesday, February 4, unless they run out! Last year was a sell-out! Ya know! So, don’t wait to snag your tickets and be up the crick on the “Wait List”.

Your tickets include the buffet dinner, entertainment, a ticket for door prizes and a chance to speak Wisconsin and be understood for $38 per person. The buffet might remind you of your favorite supper club with all the fun of a Friday Night Fish Fry! There will also be pop, brewskis, Brandy, a bubbler and other beverages of the both the old and new homeland. Be sure to hurry up right here to grab your tickets quickly so you don’t end up on the wait list! Awww geez, you don’t want to do that—er no? Just reach out to one of our Wisconsin Party ticket representatives for cripes sake…

  • Cindy Witt – (608) 334-1785 (SaddleBrooke)
  • Carolyn Bewalda – (414) 254-4369 (SaddleBrooke)
  • Karen Gille – (920) 737-7225 (SaddleBrooke)
  • Julie Klarkowski – (920) 562-7642 (SaddleBrooke)

Returning to entertain us again this year is WTMJ’s favorite drive-time talent, Jonathan Green. Uff-da! Remember back in the day when radio stations saved their top professionals for “Drive Time?” It took the top talent to keep you happy while you waited at the Stop-n-Go light! Jonathan will keep us laughing as he helps us reflect on America’s Dairyland.

One of the highlights of the Wisconsin Party is always the cash raffle. Remember to hit the TYME Machine to bring cash to the party! Ticket sellers will only be selling tickets for the cash raffle in the beginning of the evening. This gives the ticket sellers more time to prepare the cash prizes! So, snag your tickets as quickly as you can. When the King of Milwaukee Drive Time announces the end of ticket sales, it’s time to STOP! Ya know! Don’t get snookered!

Each year, another highlight is the Wisconsin door prizes. Awww geez!!! Do we have some fantastic door prizes this year? You betcha! The ticket sellers will also be accepting donations of Wisconsin memorabilia and foods as well as cash donations. Many of our Wisconsin folks love to donate door prizes or make a financial contribution to door prizes. Ya know! Your ticket seller can assist you when you pick up your tickets, just like we did it up north! Ya know!

And last, but not least, just when you thought a party couldn’t get any better, this year’s party promises to be better than ever! Thanks to the hard work of the “Wisconsin’s Friends” Committee, the 2025 Wisconsin Party will be even bigger and the BEST ever. Jeeeez! You won’t want to miss it! Are you ready to have a real good time on Tuesday, February 18—er no?

To get the 411 on the Wisconsin Party, send an email to or call Shelia Ratza at (262) 707-7188!

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