Did you know that performances of barbershop music are all done from memory?

The SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus (SBBSC) is in the middle of rehearsals to memorize the music for their upcoming concert “Hear Those Jingle Bells!” on Wednesday, December 7 at the DesertView Performing Arts Center, which will feature our own Chorus, plus the award winning barbershop quartet Vocalocity and the Tucson Barbershop eXperience Chorus.

One of the things that makes Barbershop music special is that all of the music is performed from memory. That is a challenge for those of us who have lived long enough to be able to reside in SaddleBrooke! Fortunately, it has been scientifically proven that singing has many medical benefits, one of which is improved memory. Singing also strengthens the lungs and other core muscles, and decreases stress and muscle tension. And it’s fun! Often, during our SBBSC rehearsals, you can hear different members laughing and enjoying themselves between songs, and strengthening friendships with fellow singers. And once we have learned the music, then we get to enjoy the great harmonies during each rehearsal, with the hope that YOU will also enjoy them when we sing for you on Wednesday, December 7!

For more information about our upcoming performance, or if you are interested in joining the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus, please call Bruce Kistler at (520) 306-2113, or visit our website at saddlebrookebarbershopchorus.org.

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