After watching the movie A Christmas Carol during the holidays, I was thinking it would be good to reflect on what happened with the SaddleBrooke Paper Crafters Club (SBPC) during the past year and to look ahead to its future activities.

Our 2024 Annual Holiday Party/Luncheon, which followed the theme of Peppermints and Poinsettias, was held on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Thirty-six members who attended enjoyed a delicious lunch, several games, a gift exchange and a festive afternoon filled with the friendship that comes with folks who share a common love of a hobby. SBPC club members would like to thank the Holiday Party Committee, chaired by Angela Stokes, along with Angela Gothard, Tina Lee, Cathy Scott, Carol Mueller, Marge Wong and Ann LaPerre. Many thanks for the time, effort and all of the preparation that they put into making this party such a success! Great job ladies… so much fun!

As we turn the calendar pages to 2025 (the 26th year of our club) we have elected and voted to confirm our new Board of Directors. These Board members, along with numerous special committee volunteers, keep our club active, interesting and engaging throughout the year. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Elected members of our 2025 Board include: Ann LaPerre, President; Angela Stokes, Vice President; Holly Konecny, Treasurer; Secretary (shared position) Andrea Sahl/Roberta Hafvenstein; and Member-at-Large (shared position) Kathie Sneddon/Jan Francis.

Our first Fun Shop of 2025 will be led by Arlynne Striplin, and will focus on making Valentine’s Day cards. Arlynne has volunteered several times in the past to run the February Fun Shop, and we can’t wait to see what she comes up with this year!

Yes, the members of SBPC have had a busy 2024 thanks to our dedicated volunteers. We look forward to 2025 and another year celebrating the art of paper crafting.

If you are interested in knowing more about our club, please feel free to attend one of our monthly meetings. We meet in HOA-1, Craft Room 4, at 1 p.m. Visitors are always welcome.

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