The 12th annual SaddleBrooke Christmas Golf Cart parade took place on Tuesday, December 17. Over 95 decorated carts participated this year, and it matched the record set last year.

There were many folks who came to look at the golf carts at the HOA-1 Driving Range and many more who watched along the golf course and cheered as the lighted Golf Carts got underway. Many residents had Parade Parties at their homes and whooped it up as the carts went by.

Parade participants noticed a cart that was decorated in the memory of RattleSnake Jim Cloer. The Parade Committee found out that he passed away recently and dedicated the Cart Parade in his honor. For many years, Rattlesnake Jim instructed folks about our wildlife both here and at Catalina State Park. He helped many people, families and especially taught our kids in the ways of our local wildlife. He will be missed.

The SaddleBrooke Christmas Cart Parade started with a small group of folks 12 years ago. They included Ron and Val Malik, Dick and Stef Modos, Peter and Sharon Wright, Terry and Susan Sterling and others. Fred and Murial Pilster joined the event and expanded it, so even more people could enjoy it.

To stage a parade like this takes a lot of work and many folks participated and helped in many areas. There was a committee choosing the best decorated home and Golf Cart. Many thanks to Pat Carney, Cindy Tressel, who was last years Golf Cart winner, and Jeannie Polak, who was the 2023 Best Decorated Home winner.

Once again Colleen Halverson and Cathy Cowley provided us with great Christmas Music from their accordions both before and after the parade.

Thank You to our parking and traffic control people, the HOA1 Patrol, Dale Boschke, Ric Nicholson, Carol and Jim Dolian and Mike Polak.

Carolyn Butler and the HOA1 Roadrunner staff did a great job putting in extra hours to serve us after the parade.

Thank you to John Carney who took over for Ed Moisio as the lead cart; he mapped and led the Parade this year, and to Jason Rasmussen who runs the SaddleBrooke website, took pictures and put together the video published on the site.

The 2024 winner of the Best Decorated Home was Frank and Judi Butcher at 65168 S. Desert Sands Court. Frank and Judi have been decorating for many years and finally, won the top honors.

SaddleBrooke residents really stepped it up this year and there were many interesting and well decorated golf carts. The golf cart of Carol and Larry Arnold was the winner of the 2024 Best Decorated Cart. The cart was cleverly crafted by Carol and Christine Purzycki in the theme of the Nutcracker Ballet. Both Carol and Christine are former opera singers, and the ladies wore matching uniforms as the Nutcracker Toy Soldiers. Carol’s large childhood doll was dressed as Clara the Ballerina in the Nutcracker story.

Both the Golf Cart and Home winners received a trophy and a special lighted Christmas Village with a golf cart theme from the Battery Guy of Tucson and Kartz Fore Kidz.

Once again, thanks to all who helped and participated in this year’s parade.

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