Neuroplasticity is the key to recovery and improvement, along with Polyphenol nutrition! Although we have some basic moves that are beneficial for activities of daily living like aerobics and strength training with weights. It is important to add a variety of different movements to keep the brain and body coordinated and able to respond to sudden and unexpected events.
In a recent session, we used the table to strengthen the core and the Spinalis Dorsey muscles that run along the spine and hold the vertebrae apart to prevent disc compression. In addition, the move also activates the back of the neck to counter “tech neck”. By pulling the abs in on the exhale, it also works the front of the core to whittle the waist.
On the TRX bands, Nancy did modified pushups, stepping forward or back to adjust the difficulty she is able to handle. Having to balance the handles uses more fiber strands of the muscle in a safe environment.
Peggy is using the TRX to do squats. The benefit of doing them on the TRX is the ability to go deeper without over straining the knees and using the quads to stand and strengthen and it helps with balance by having the handles.
In this type of class there are two purposes: to build muscle mass to recover lost strength/functions and to counteract the neurologic deficits and to prevent the progression of disease symptoms. We do this with weighted movements, education at every session and sharing experiences, strength and support for one another.
We are listed in HOA-1 under exercise and support; Classes starts on Mondays at 12 p.m. in the Fitness Center. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, classes are from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the HOA-1 Art and Craft Center, room 3. All are welcome! We also have quarterly support and educational meetings on the third Thursday of each month in 2024. The next one will be held on Thursday, October 17.
For more information, call Vera Shury, Neuroplasticity Coach, at (520) 275-8755 or send an email to For Parkinson’s info and support, visit