After our 10 a.m. church service, the members of Vista de la Montana United Methodist Church celebrated paying off the mortgage on the new Education and Administration Building in less than five years, with a mortgage burning celebration on Sunday, May 26! We moved in at the end of 2019 and paid off the mortgage early this year!! The beautiful building provides a wonderful location for adult and children’s education, fellowship events, meetings, our new library and the administration offices. The sanctuary mortgage was paid off in 2017, so Vista UMC is debt-free!
District Superintendent Rev. Matt Ashley joined us and delivered the sermon. After the ceremony, in the Methodist tradition, members and guests celebrated with a fabulous potluck luncheon in the beautiful new building.
Vista de la Montana United Methodist Church is located on 10 beautiful acres on a former Missile site. It is located on the west side of Oracle Road, just south of Golder Ranch Road. Join our friendly and welcoming congregation on Sundays for our 10 a.m. service in-person or online. To discover more about Vista de la Montana United Methodist Church, visit