We look forward to going to church every week because of the people that we know that we will see there. We, my wife, Laurie, and I, attend the SaddleBrooke outpost of Resurrection Lutheran Church that meets at 9 a.m. in the MountainView Ballroom. One great thing about the people that attend here is that they have reached this congregation after a journey that may have led them on a path that went through different denominations and life experiences, and that they have made a conscious choice to join this congregation.

The very first time we went to Resurrection Church here, at HOA-1 at that time, we had just that feeling—that we were among friends, and that we belonged there. We’ve been going ever since, about eight years now. It’s a very relaxed and casual atmosphere, and because of the interactions before and after the service we get to know each other better, as well as the pastors that rotate through on a weekly basis. We think the pastors would all agree that, although they lead the services and serve the congregation, they are not the most important people there. The most important people there are those that are sitting all around us.

Sometimes it seems that our world is going down a long, dark street, and that we are struggling in the night. Our church community is like an oasis in that struggle, a respite from everyday life, a time that brings us into the light for at least that little while each week. Smiles, laughter, conversation, encouragement, consolation, concern, and friendliness: all are important, and can be found at the Resurrection Church in SadleBrooke,

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