If you missed out on the last Art & Wine Events, don’t worry! We have scheduled another one for November 23, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. For the painting, this event will feature a holiday theme.

The cost is $40 per person which includes all art supplies, wine and/or water, a Sack Supper and an Instructor and many helpful Elves to help you create a painting. You will paint along with the instructor, so you will have a completed art piece to take home with you. You might even want to give it as a gift to someone. Our Art & Wine Event fills up fast, so don’t hesitate, go get your registration form right now!

Please see our website at www.saddlebrookefinearts.org for more information and to get your registration form. You can find it under our Outreach button on our Welcome page or you can find it on our Classes page. Please check out all our great classes while you’re browsing!

We will be donating the proceeds from our November event to a worthwhile cause. Our September proceeds were donated to the Senior Village here in our community.

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